Monday 29 November 2010

Langdale - Night Navigation

Due to me having classes until 12, us spending copious amounts of money on KFC, and Struggles generally being incompetent myself and Lewis got out the car on Friday in Langdale a little later than expected, at nearly 4pm. The sun had already set.

We headed up stickle gill first, which was starting to freeze up quite nicely, some parts of the path were a little precarious with 1-2 inch ice covering portions. We did a lap of the Pikes, which were a little wintery before heading over to Stake Pass. The aim of the night was to practice some night navigation, which we did after walking round in circles for a while trying to the tarn, which was eventually we did. Once there we stopped for some tea (around d 8/9pm) and devoured our KFC provided hill food, but then got very cold very quickly, it was probably around -5C so moved on. Some more bearing work got us to across to Angle Tarn, where we headed up towards Allen Crags. The whole East side of the Scafell Massif was fairly white, and the sky was clear with a bright moon which made an awesome atmosphere. We then re-traced our steps and headed down Rossett Gill (which is also freezing in places), this was again pretty tedious with the paths covered in ice in places. We got back to the car around 1/2am I think.

We took quite a few videos during the day/night so when I get chance I'll edit them together and put them up here.

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